Design Philosophy

Design Philosophy:
Looking over the word exercises and collage, I think I have a better grasp of my design philosophy. I put the word "traditional" in my collage because I think that is the base of my entire philosophy. I have always been much more attracted to classic, traditional, mostly Southern design styles in both architecture and interiors. So far, my mind is still deeply planted in residential design, but I hope to expand my horizons during my time at SCAD. I have always been very aware of the space around me and constantly thinking of ways it could improve or change. If people are not comfortable or bothered by the space they are in, it can greatly effect everything that goes on there. The home needs to be comfortable and functional as well as aesthetically pleasing. I think residential design appeals to me so much because to me, the home is a safe haven and the place a person should feel their absolute best. If someone happens to be uncomfortable at work or school, there is always the relieving thought that at the end of the day, they can return home where everything is perfect to them. Including personal picture in my collage reflects the fact that I am very sentimental in life and in my designs. I personally enjoy having sentimental items and photographs around me, and I'd like to incorporate that into my designs.